5 Service Support Batallion

5 Service Support Batallion
Ordnance Corps is the Supply Corps of the GDF. It is one of the many ‘Q’ or Logistic Services the tasks of which are interdependent
The roles and subsequent tasks of the unit have not changed significantly over the years. The earliest roles were:
a. Supply. The supply of all commodities included under the generic heading of Ordnance Materiel (combat supplies, ordnance stores, vehicles) in order to satisfy the operational, training and routine peacetime needs of the Army wherever it is stationed.
b. Inspection and Repairs.
(1) Inspection, proof and repair of arms and ammunition and the investigation of accidents, losses and defects.
(2) Quality surveillance of ration and petroleum products.
(3) Repair of general stores such as tentage, clothing and some furniture.
c. Specialist Services. A variety of functions connected with the supply role are also carried out by Ord Corps under operational conditions but in peace time many are carried out by contractors. Some of these roles are no longer carried out by the unit but are done by contractors on a permanent basis. These specialist services are:
(1) Local procurement.
(2) Materials production Centre capable of producing the Army’s requirement for printed material such as trg aids, pamphlets, programmes, invitations, booklets as well as plaques, GDF embossed key purses, wallets etc.
(3) Laundry.
(4) Tailoring.
(5) Butchery.
(6) Wood Products Centre capable of producing the Force’s need for office furniture, beds, kit boxes and minor wood products.
(7) Office Equipment Repairs Centre capable of servicing and effecting minor repairs to all office equipment and accounting machines.
To achieve its role the Corps is equipped to manage stores and workshop and to provide staff for the entire ‘Q’ system of the Force. See Annex A & B for earlier Orbats and Annex C for the present one. The Corps in earlier times was organised for supply and trg as follows:
Supply Organisation.
Central Control. The CO Ord Corps a Maj was responsible to the Force Commander through the Quartermaster General (QMG) who was a Grade One Staff Officer in the Force Headquarters, for the efficient conduct of the supply, inspection and repair, and specialists tasks.
- Base Control. CO Ord had a subordinate commander OC Ord Coy who was responsible for base storage and supply. In this case the Base is located at Camp Stephenson which because of its geographical location catered for the supply of the base itself as well as highway locations and north and south interior sectors. This base also catered for supply of Tacama Battle School.
- Training Organisation. HQ Ord Corps is responsible for the trg of all storemen and storekeeper, armstoremen, armourers and tailors. Band two and three courses are equivalent to the NCOs TAC 1 and 2 respectively while Band 4 produces the Quarter Master Warrant Officer or Junior Quartermaster.
The unit has lent very valuable and invaluable support to all operations
and training activities that the Force has been involved in.
The unit played a support role in the operation conducted in the New River Triangle in Aug of 1967 and the one following the Rupununi Uprising in 1969. It also supported Operations PLEXUS, DRAGNET, ARROWHEAD among others.
. The Corps has played and continues to play a support role in all training exercises conducted by the Force including IRONWEED, GREENHEART and those conducted by units in the Force.
. a. Unit Commanders. Former commanders of the unit included Ex Capt D J Debbington, ASP Graham, Maj Richardson, Capt Forbes, Col (Ret) P Smith, Maj W Davis, Lt Col (Ret) R Storm, Lt Col T Ross, and Lt Col N Hussain.
b. Unit Regimental Quartermasters. Former RQMSs of the Corps included WO2 Perks, Col (Ret) P Smith, Capt (Ret) Hartley, WO2 (Ret) Dalgetty, WO2 (Ret) Dehnert B, SSGT (Ret) Rodney E, and WO2 Peters J.